The quote "The one who uses force is afraid of reasoning" suggests that those who resort to violence and coercion do so because they are afraid of opposing ideas and reasoning. This essay will explore
The quote "The one who uses force is afraid of reasoning" suggests that those who resort to violence and coercion do so because they are afraid of opposing ideas and reasoning. This essay will explore
Aristotle“Aristotle was the unimpeachable authority on every science and art known to his day.” (Maxey)Aristotle was born in 384 BC. His father was Physician. He studied in Plato’s Academy
Possibilism is a term which means that environment only limits the number of choices of choices for the person and only human is responsible for all his actions and he has the authoritative power but
If Gold Rusts what will Iron Do .The maxim focuses that Gold does not get rusted and it is the iron which get rust. Here Gold has been taken as an adjective for defining purity , honesty, morality, et
The Earth’s population doubled between 1960 and 1999, increasing from three billion to six billion people. During that period, human induced changes in the global environment accelerated in unpreced
While there are many definitions of the word risk, EPA considers risk to be the chance of harmful effects to human health or to ecological systems resulting from exposure to an environmental stressor.
The election of 1800 was very close between Aaron Burr and Thomas Jefferson. Both got equal electoral votes i.e. 73 and tied for presidency. The sitting House of Representatives was asked to break the
The Elections of 1800 - A Second Revolution:Thomas Jefferson believed that his election as president in the elections of 1800 was nothing short of another revolution. With his election, the federalist
Decay and disturbance in political life brought crucial changes in the Governments of the city-state in Greece, made Aristotle to contemplate deeply and to stress the causes of the Revolution and its
Geo strategic means the importance of a country or a region as by virtue of its geographical location. Geo political is defined as, stressing the influence of geographic factors on the state power, in
Challenges Facing The Muslim Ummahby : Muhammad Junaid Aslam Muslims today are facing some of the most critical challenges to their well-being and to their place in the global order. Few reasons
A type of learning in which a neutral stimulus, when paired with an unconditioned stimulus, starts generating the same response as that generated naturally by an unconditioned stimulus and becomes con