
I Followed These 10 Steps and Achieved Successful Immigration to Australia

I Followed These 10 Steps and Achieved Successful Immigration to Australia
I Followed These 10 Steps and Achieved Successful Immigration to Australia

Immigration to a foreign country can be a complex process, filled with formalities, rules, and a wide array of required documentation. In this article, I will share the ten definitive steps I took that led to my successful immigration to Australia, one of the most sought-after countries for skilled professionals worldwide.

Step 1: Thorough Research About Australia’s Immigration Policies

Before embarking on my immigration journey, I extensively researched Australia’s immigration policies, rules, and regulations. I discovered that Australia has a points-based immigration system, known as the General Skilled Migration (GSM) Program, and identified the Skilled Independent Visa (Subclass 189) as the most suitable option for me.

Step 2: Self-Assessment Against the Points-Based System

Australia’s immigration system awards points for age, English language proficiency, skilled employment experience, educational qualifications, and other factors. I assessed my qualifications against the points table to ensure I had a competitive score.

Step 3: Understanding the SkillSelect System

Australia uses a SkillSelect system for potential immigrants to express interest in migrating. I familiarized myself with the process, which includes submitting an Expression of Interest (EOI) with detailed information about my skills and qualifications.

Step 4: Verifying My Occupation on the Skilled Occupation List (SOL)

Australia maintains a Skilled Occupation List (SOL), which outlines professions in demand. My profession was listed, increasing my chances of receiving an invitation to apply for a visa.

Step 5: Undertaking a Skills Assessment

Having my skills assessed by an appropriate assessing authority relevant to my profession was the next step. This validation confirmed that my skills and qualifications met Australian standards.

Step 6: Proving My English Language Proficiency

Australia requires proof of English language proficiency for immigration. I took an International English Language Testing System (IELTS) examination and achieved a competent level, which added to my overall points score.

Step 7: Submitting the Expression of Interest (EOI)

After gathering all necessary documents and completing the skills assessment and IELTS exam, I submitted my EOI via the SkillSelect system. This step marked my official expression of interest in applying for Australian immigration.

Step 8: Receiving an Invitation to Apply (ITA) for a Visa

Once my EOI was accepted, I received an Invitation to Apply (ITA) for the Skilled Independent Visa (Subclass 189). This invitation was a significant milestone on my immigration journey.

Step 9: Lodging My Visa Application

After receiving the ITA, I had 60 days to lodge my visa application. This step required careful compilation of all my documents, including identification, skill assessment results, English language test results, and evidence of good health and character.

Step 10: Receiving My Visa Grant

Following the submission of my visa application, I awaited the decision from the Department of Home Affairs. After a few months, I received the much-anticipated visa grant notification. This marked the successful end of my immigration journey.

Throughout this process, I learned that patience, organization, and a detailed understanding of the system are critical to successful immigration. It’s worth mentioning that each application is unique, and the process may vary slightly for different individuals.

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, Australia welcomed over 7.5 million migrants as of September 2020, and the number is steadily growing. This upward trend shows that with the right approach, it is entirely possible to navigate the immigration process successfully.

Australia is a land of opportunities and a great place to advance one’s career while enjoying a high standard of living. By following these steps and being diligent in preparing your application, you too can unlock the door to a bright future in Australia.

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