Canadian Government Postdoctoral Scholarships, 2017-18 is open for . The scholarship allows level program(s) in the field of taught at . The deadline of the scholarship is .
Canadian Government Postdoctoral Scholarships, 2017-18
The Government of Québec is postdoctoral research scholarships for Canadian and international students. These scholarships are intended for new researchers who obtained their doctorate and who wish to begin or pursue their postdoctoral research. The objective of the postdoctoral research scholarship program is to foster up-and-coming researchers working in various research environments, by helping new doctorate holders to broaden their field of research. The Québec Research Fund – Nature et technologies (FRQNT) is responsible for managing the program. He was commissioned to make the management of the Ministry of Education and Higher Education of Quebec (MEES), which provides funding. The candidate should have a very good command over the English language.
- Scholarships are available for pursuing postdoctoral research programme.
- Scholarships are awarded to study all the subjects offered by the university.
- The maximum annual value of postdoctoral research scholarships is $35 000.
Scholarship can be taken in the Canada
Eligibility Criteria: In order to apply for this scholarship, applicants must
- Be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (S.C. 2001, c. 27). Applicants who are not Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada must demonstrate, at the time of submission of their application, that they have obtained a Québec Selection Certificate and that a permanent resident application has been submitted to the appropriate authorities. However, to receive the scholarship, the applicant must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada and be domiciled in Québec for at least one year. Applicants who are not Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada are required to confirm citizenship or resident status before financial support can begin. If the applicant is unable to obtain citizenship or resident status before March 1 of the year following the offer of financial support, the scholarship will be cancelled;
- Be domiciled in Québec for at least six months. The FRQNT reserves the right to verify that this condition has been met;
- Be resident of Québec within the meaning of Article 5 of the Health Insurance Act (CQLR, c. A-29) and the Regulation respecting eligibility and registration of persons in respect of the Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec. (CQLR, c. A-29 and CQLR, c. A-29, r. 1).
- Persons who maintain their Quebec resident status within the meaning of the Quebec Health Insurance Act in particular those living outside Quebec solely for the purpose of continuing their studies, are deemed to be living in Quebec.
- Persons who do not maintain their Quebec resident status and who have been living outside Quebec for fewer than two years after having, for at least five years, been domiciled in Quebec and having been residents within the meaning the Quebec Health Insurance Act are exempt from residence requirements.
- Scholarship holders must meet citizenship and residence requirements within the meaning of the Quebec Health Insurance Act.
Eligible Nationalities:Â Canadian and international students can apply for postdoctoral research scholarships.
Entrance Requirement:Â Applicants must have their previous degree.
Test Requirement: No
English Language Requirements:Â Applicants from outside the home country will often need to meet specific English language/other language requirements in order to be able to study there.
Application Procedure: Applicants must submit the electronic form. They have to supply the following documents:
- An official transcript of marks (any non official electronic version will not be accepted) for all university studies, completed or not (certificate, degree, Bachelor’s, Master’s or Ph. D., etc). When equivalences are granted for courses taken at other institutions or in previous programs, transcripts for these grades must be enclosed with the file, including collegial transcripts. For transcripts from outside Canada or United States, candidates must enclose a letter explaining the grading system used by the institution in question. The Fonds de recherche reserves the right to verify with institutions the authenticity of any information given by applicants. FRQNT considers transcripts issued by the Registrar’s Office to the applicants to be official transcripts. Opening the envelope to scan the transcripts will not render it unofficial for FRQNT purposes;
- Proof that the applicant successfully defended his/her thesis and a copy of the document attesting that the final version of the thesis was submitted. If the applicant is not able to provide these documents, he/she may include a copy of his/her doctoral transcript;
- For permanent residents, a copy of Canadian immigration papers permanent Resident Card;
- Applicants who are not Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada must provide:
- A copy of their Québec Selection Certificate;
- A copy of the permanent resident status application submitted to the appropriate authorities;
- For Canadian citizens born outside, copy of proof of Canadian citizenship;
- A photocopy of a valid Quebec medical insurance card or any other document which proves that you are a resident of Quebec within the meaning of the Quebec Health Insurance Act ;
- Acknowledgements of receipt from the editor for all articles submitted and notices received from editors for articles accepted for publication (Acknowledgements of receipt for articles already published are not sent to the evaluation committee);
- Acknowledgements of receipt for any patents submitted
Application Form
Deadline: The application deadline is October 5th, 2016.
Scholarship Link