Geraldine Grace and Maurice Alvin McWatters Visiting Fellowship Canada 2016

  • Queen's University
  • Fellowship
  • Uncategorized, Canada
Geraldine Grace and Maurice Alvin McWatters Visiting Fellowship Canada 2016Geraldine Grace and Maurice Alvin McWatters Visiting Fellowship Canada 2016


Geraldine Grace and Maurice Alvin McWatters Visiting Fellowship Canada 2016 is open for . The scholarship allows Fellowship level program(s) in the field of taught at Queen's University . The deadline of the scholarship is .

Applications are invited for Geraldine Grace and Maurice Alvin McWatters Visiting Fellowship in Canada. International applicants are eligible to apply for this fellowship program.

The Geraldine Grace and Maurice Alvin McWatters Visiting Fellowship is designed to foster, promote, and support original archival research by scholars, authors, or artists in the collections located at Queen’s University Archives.

This Visiting Fellowship, with a stipend of $4,000, is intended to help defray living, travel or research expenses of researchers to come to Queen’s University Archives to conduct their research.

Degree Level: This is a visiting research fellowship programme.

Scholarship Benifits: This Visiting Fellowship, with a stipend of $4,000, is intended to help defray living, travel or research expenses of researchers to come to Queen’s University Archives to conduct their research.

Scholarship can be taken in the Canada

Eligibility: The following criteria must be met in order for applicants to be eligible for this fellowship:

  • Visiting Fellowship recipients must commence their research at Queen’s University Archives within one year of being notified of the award;

  • Fellows are expected to be in residence for the duration of the Fellowship , normally one month, and are expected to devote full time to their research projects;

  • Successful applicants will not be associated with Queen’s University, nor reside in the City of Kingston;

  • Recipients will be asked to participate in campus and community activities where appropriate, and may be asked to give a public face to the fellowship and their research during their time here;

  • The Visiting Fellowship must be acknowledged in works emanating from research accomplished through the Geraldine Grace and Maurice Alvin McWatters Visiting Fellowship;

  • Recipients will be asked to provide the University Archivist with two copies of any work resulting from research conducted as a result of the Visiting Fellowship, one for the Fund donor, and one for Queen’s University Archives;

  • Successful applicants will not be eligible for a second Fellowship for a period of at least one year following their first Fellowship;

  • Visiting Fellowship recipients are requested to submit a short report on their research to the University Archivist, within two months of completion. Edited versions of, or excerpts from, these reports may be used in Queen’s University Archives publications.

Eligible Nationality: International applicants are eligible to apply for this fellowship program.

Scholarships in Canada

How to Apply:  To make an application for The Geraldine Grace and Maurice Alvin McWatters Visiting Fellowship, please complete and submit the application form (PDF, 507KB) along with the following documentation:

  • A description of the research project, which includes a statement indicating the archival material held by Queen’s University Archives that will be consulted and how it will be used (to be no more than 1 to 3 pages in length).

  • A budget of estimated expenditures.

  • Other sources of funding to support the project.

  • A current Curriculum Vitae

Application Form

Deadline: Fellowship application deadline is 2 September 2016.

Scholarship Link

Degree Level

Geraldine Grace and Maurice Alvin McWatters Visiting Fellowship Canada 2016 is available to undertake Fellowship level programs at Queen's University.

Available Subjects

Following subject are available to study under this scholarship program.

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