Laziodisu Scholarships for Italians and Foreign Students in Italy, 2017-2018

  • Postgraduate, Masters, PhD
  • International Students
  • Italy
Laziodisu Scholarships.Laziodisu Scholarships.


Laziodisu Scholarships for Italians and Foreign Students in Italy, 2017-2018 is open for International Students . The scholarship allows Postgraduate, Masters, PhD level program(s) in the field of taught at . The deadline of the scholarship is .

Scholarship Description: Laziodisu Scholarships Call is now available for Merit-Based and Need-Based applicants for 2017-2018 academic year. Italians and foreign students are eligible to apply for this scholarship programme.

Laziodisu promotes the right to education and knowledge, supporting integrated and coordinated actions in the interests of social cohesion in the Lazio region.

Degree Level: Scholarships are available to pursue Postgraduate programme.

Available Subject: Scholarships are awarded to learn any of the courses offered by the university.

Scholarship Benefits: The maximum amount of the scholarship shall be as follows:

  • € 1929.22 for “when” students;

  • € 2821.67 for “commuter” students;

  • € 5118.36 for students “out of office”.

  • The grants are paid in full to students with an ISEE less than or equal to 2/3 of the reference threshold.

  • The amount of the scholarship is proportionally reduced up to half, in the presence of higher ISEE than 2/3 and up to the maximum threshold.

Eligibility: The following criteria must be met in order for applicants to be eligible for scholarship:

Who can participate? They can access the benefits Italians and foreign students enrolling at universities headquartered in the Region of Lazio by 31 March 2018.Possono apply even students: – waiting to obtain the qualification required for entry to the course chosen university for a.a.2017 – 2018
Are there Laziodisu scholarships just for this? No, it is required to hold both the requirements: merit and income.
I’m still waiting to take the exams but the system does not send me back if I insert the vote. What can I do? Students who are still waiting to know the grade of maturity can post a provisional vote. They can adjust between 3 and 11 August 2017 at 20.00.
I have not yet achieved the title needed to be able to enroll on the course chosen by me. Can I participate? Registration is not required at the time of submission of the application. If you are looking forward to achieve the three-year degree but still want to participate as a graduate matriculation must be specified in the special section on the inside of the page “Registration” .L’iscrizione must still be completed by 31 March 2018.
I decided to enroll in a university based out of New York. How can I give up the benefits obtained from Laziodisu? It ‘just send all’Adisu reference a waiver of notice to all reference all’Adisu benefits. The communication must be signed and accompanied by a copy of an identity document. The waiver may be sent by registered mail or delivered in person.
The faculty to which I subscribe is different from the one I have indicated on the form. What do I have to do? Darne Office communication benefits to the reference dell’Adisu students.
There are not yet sure of the outcome of Laziodisu competition, I have to pay in full the first installment of the University? Students participating in the competition Laziodisu can make use of the exemption for the fellows. Following the publication of the final outcome, which is excluded, students must provide regularize their position at the University.
Not yet know the result of the test, I can participate in the competition Laziodisu? Yes, by entering the chosen course as if he had passed the test. You’ll be able to fix only the data (falling under the “Registration” section) during the period for corrections children (3-11 August 2017 at 20). After this date, any changes must be requested at the office benefits competition dell’Adisu territorial jurisdiction.
Last year I attended the first year. If I sign up again as the first year, can I participate? Only those who have submitted a formal waiver of studies without the recognition of credits / exams, can rejoin the tender as freshmen. The only exception is represented by students enrolled in the 3rd year repeating three-year degree or 2nd year repeating specialized two-year degree from the Faculty of Engineering, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”. The freshmen already declared scholarship winners in years past, they can participate in the tender only on the condition that he return the amounts received and refunded the cost of services may have flowed. It is recalled that the calculation of the years of the course runs from the time of first registration, and that the calculation takes into account years of actual enrollment at the university (although in different courses from that attended nell’a.a.2017 / 2018).

Italians and foreign students are eligible to apply for this scholarship programme.

Application Procedure: The mode of application is online. After you finish recording, click on “access to the private area” and start filling out the individual sections.

Application Form

Deadline: Scholarship is open until July 28, 2017.

Scholarship Link

Degree Level

Laziodisu Scholarships for Italians and Foreign Students in Italy, 2017-2018 is available to undertake Postgraduate, Masters, PhD level programs at .

Available Subjects

Following subject are available to study under this scholarship program.

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