Rosaria Cigliano Research Fellowship Program in Italy, 2018

  • Research
  • International Students
  • Italy
Rosaria Cigliano Research Fellowship Program in Italy, 2018Rosaria Cigliano Research Fellowship Program in Italy, 2018

Description for Rosaria Cigliano Research Fellowship:

Rosaria Cigliano Research Fellowship Program in Italy, 2018 is open for International Students . The scholarship allows Research level program(s) in the field of taught at . The deadline of the scholarship is .

Scholarship Description: The new Rosaria Cigliano Fellowship Program is available on offer under the theme Landscape and nature (1680-1750) for the year 2018. Each Fellowship will last for one year, starting 1st January 2019 and ending 31st December 2019.

The Fellowship Program on the Age and the Culture of Baroque aims to promote innovative research in this area of humanities and to support career opportunities for young scholars in academic and cultural institutions.

Scholarship Provider: The Fondazione 1563 per l’Arte e la Cultura, an independent body set up and administered by the Compagnia di San Paolo, is a cultural foundation specialising in support for research in the humanities, especially for young scholars who wish to further their professional preparation for careers in the cultural sector.

Degree Level: Fellowship is available to pursue research.

Available Subject: The theme of research proposals for the 2018 competition is: Landscape and nature (1680-1750).

Scholarship Benefits: Each of the 5 Fellowships will consist of an annual grant amounting to € 23,000 before tax and other charges. Each Fellowship will last for one year, starting 1st January 2019 and ending 31st December 2019. It may be renewed for an additional quarter, without compensation and upon request of the grantee, supported by the tutor’s opinion and subject to approval by the Foundation that reserves the right to decide on the matter. A tutor will be appointed by the Foundation as an expert in the selected discipline, in agreement with the grantee, to support the grantee in the research activity and to evaluate the outcomes.

  • The annual grant will be paid out in three installments:

  • – the first, amounting to 40% of total, when the fellowship is awarded;

  • – the second, amounting to 30% of total, upon submission and evaluation of the half-year report;

  • – The third, amounting to 30% of total, upon conclusion of the research project and evaluation thereof.

  • Refunds of documented travel and accommodation expenses related to the Fellowship project are envisaged for up to € 1,500 per year and must be authorized in advance by the Foundation (“mission procedure”) on a proposal by the tutor.

Number of ScholarshipsUp to 5 fellowships are available.

Eligible Nationalities: International students are eligible to apply for this fellowship.

Eligibility Criteria: Applicants must meet the following criteria:

The competition is open to researchers born after 1st January 1983 holding a university or master’s degree, or other equivalent degrees, issued by an Italian or equivalent foreign University. Priority will be given to applicants holding a PhD or equivalent from an Italian or foreign university. The competition’s relevant disciplines that may be approached also from a multi-disciplinary and cross-disciplinary standpoint are:

  • Social and demographic history

  • Political history

  • History of economics and history of economic thought

  • History of science and technology

  • History of literature

  • History of philosophy

  • History of music

  • History of theater

  • Art history

  • History of architecture

  • Military history.


The following applications will not be eligible to participate in this call:

  • Applications submitted by researchers who have been awarded other grants, scholarships, fellowships or similar, concerning the same topic that makes the object of the application submitted for this competition;

  • Applications concerning projects whose subject is not original; however, the theme may be recognized as original if it is in line with past scientific projects undertaken by the applicant;

  • Applications for projects that are not scientific research projects according to recognized solid scientific standards.

Application Procedure:  Applications will be submitted exclusively using the forms available online and following the procedure indicated on the Foundation’s website under Chi siamo/Bandi/Procedure in corso/Borse di Alti Studi 2018 at

Online Application

Scholarship Link

Deadline: July 22, 2018

Degree Level for Rosaria Cigliano Research Fellowship:

Rosaria Cigliano Research Fellowship Program in Italy, 2018 is available to undertake Research level programs at .

Available Subjects for Rosaria Cigliano Research Fellowship:

Following subject are available to study under this scholarship program.


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