Wellcome International Master’s Fellowships

  • Fully Funded
  • Any university in the world
  • Masters
  • Public Health
  • UK, All Countries Any Country in the world
  • 04/14/2020
Expired in
Wellcome International Master’s FellowshipsWellcome International Master’s Fellowships


Wellcome International Master’s Fellowships is open for low income countries. The scholarship allows Masters level program(s) in the field of Public Health taught at Any university in the world. The deadline of the scholarship is expired at 14 Apr 2020.

Degree Level

Wellcome International Master’s Fellowships is available to undertake Masters level programs at .

Available Subjects

Following subject are available to study under this scholarship program.

  • Public Health


£120,000 including salary, studentship stipend, fees and research expenses

Eligible Nationalities

countries with low-income or middle-income economies. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.

Afghanistan , Albania , Algeria , Angola , Antigua and Barbuda , Argentina , Armenia , Azerbaijan , Bangladesh , Belarus , Belize , Benin , Bhutan , Bolivia , Bosnia and Herzegovina , Botswana , Brazil , Burkina Faso , Burundi , Cabo Verde , Cambodia , Cameroon , Central African Republic , Chad , China (People's Republic of) , Colombia , Comoros , Democratic Republic of Congo , Congo , Cook Islands , Costa Rica , Côte d'Ivoire , Cuba , Djibouti , Dominica , Dominican Republic , Ecuador , Egypt , El Salvador , Equatorial Guinea , Eritrea , Ethiopia , Fiji , Gabon , Gambia , Georgia , Ghana , Grenada , Guatemala , Guinea , Guinea-Bissau , Guyana , Haiti , Honduras , India , Indonesia , Iran , Iraq , Jamaica , Jordan , Kazakhstan , Kenya , Kiribati , Democratic People's Republic of Korea , Kosovo , Kyrgyzstan , Lao People's Democratic Republic , Lebanon , Lesotho , Liberia , Libya , Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia , Madagascar , Malawi , Malaysia , Maldives , Mali , Marshall Islands , Mauritania , Mauritius , Mexico , Micronesia , Moldova , Mongolia , Montenegro , Montserrat , Morocco , Mozambique , Myanmar , Namibia , Nauru , Nepal , Nicaragua , Niger , Nigeria , Niue , Pakistan , Palau , Panama , Papua New Guinea , Paraguay , Peru , Philippines , Rwanda , Saint Helena , Samoa , São Tomé and Príncipe , Senegal , Serbia , Sierra Leone , Solomon Islands , Somalia , South Africa , South Sudan , Sri Lanka , Saint Lucia , Saint Vincent and the Grenadines , Sudan , Suriname , Swaziland , Syrian Arab Republic , Tajikistan , Tanzania , Thailand , Timor-Leste , Togo , Tokelau , Tonga , Tunisia , Turkey , Turkmenistan , Tuvalu , Uganda , Ukraine , Uzbekistan , Vanuatu , Venezuela , Vietnam , Wallis and Futuna , West Bank and Gaza Strip , Yemen , Zambia , Zimbabwe ,

Eligibility Criteria

You can apply for an International Master's Fellowship if:

  • you're a national of one of countries from above.
  • your proposed research focuses on a health priority in a low- or middle-income country
  • you have sponsorship from an eligible host organisation in a low- or middle-income country apart from mainland China.

You must:

  • hold a clinical or non-clinical undergraduate degree in a relevant subject 
  • be at an early stage in your career with limited research experience (but you must have demonstrated interest in, or aptitude for, research).

Your research proposal

  • Your research proposal should be within our science remit and focus on a health priority in a low- or middle-income country.

When we consider your application, we'll look at the

  • quality and importance of your research question(s). feasibility of your approach to solving these problems.
  • suitability of your choice of research environments.
  • suitability of the taught Master of Science (MSc) course you select – it should take place at a recognised centre of excellence and provide you with training that will complement your research project.

Application Procedure

Apply Online here

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