Wells Mountain Initiative Scholar Programm for developing countries is open for Developing Countries . The scholarship allows Bachelor, Undergraduate level program(s) in the field of All Subjects taught at University of Choice of candidate in developing or any other country. The deadline of the scholarship is expired at 01 Mar 2021.
Highly competitive scholarship opportunity for students in developing countries. Scholarships support students who are earning their first certificate, diploma or
bachelor’s degree. Scholarship award lasts throughout all years of undergraduate education
Wells Mountain Initiative Scholar Programm for developing countries is available to undertake Bachelor, Undergraduate level programs at .
Following subject are available to study under this scholarship program.
Maximum 50 to 60 scholarship will be provided. Each scholarship will provide maximum USD 3000 per year and will include.
student from developing countries.
The Ideal Candidate – A student, male or female, from a country in the developing world who:
Achievement Scholarships for International Undergraduate Students: Engineering and Information Technology, University of Technology Sydney