Youmanity The Everyday Heroine Photography Award, 2017

  • Photography Scholarships
  • International Students
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Youmanity The Everyday Heroine Photography Award, 2017Youmanity The Everyday Heroine Photography Award, 2017


Youmanity The Everyday Heroine Photography Award, 2017 is open for International Students . The scholarship allows level program(s) in the field of Photography Scholarships taught at . The deadline of the scholarship is .

This Award aims to celebrate the lives of ordinary women who perform extraordinary jobs. The Award is open to photographers both professional and amatuer, of all nationalities worldwide. The selected artwork will be showcased at a central London location. The Everyday Heroine exhibition will tell the story of ordinary women who perform extraordinary jobs. The work of each applicant will need to address the following concept: The Everyday Heroine Focusing the spotlight on the unsung heroines who make the everyday possible.


  • Each applicant will need to submit a photographic social reportage consisting of three themed images. Please refer to FAQ if unsure as to what images to submit.

  • Images may be enhanced for colour/contrast/brightness, but cannot be manipulated.

  • Applicants must warrant that the photographs they are submitting are their own work and that they own the copyright for them.

  • Each applicant will retain full copyright of their own work.


The Award is open to photographers of all nationalities worldwide. Only one entry per person. Illegible or incomplete entries will not be accepted. Please note that proof of transmission will not be accepted as proof of receipt.

So, who will be your heroine?

This photography award challenges the stereotype of the everyday woman and urges you to revaluate how we perceive ‘the everyday heroine’. Bring us photographs to illuminate the forgotten women – often viewed as inferior – yet so often undertaking the most important tasks as guardians of the fabric of our society. All photographic submissions will  be published on our social media platforms.  The winning shots and the work of twenty runner ups will be showcased at a prestigious central London location.


There are no fees to enter the competition.

The timeline of the competition is as follows:

June 16, 2017: All documentation, including the 3 themed images, must be received

June 22, 2017: The panel of judges identifies the finalists

June 26, 2017: The names of the finalists are announced

Oct /2017: Official opening of the exhibition & announcement of the winner


The works of the winner and twenty runner ups will be exhibited as part of a group exhibition at a prestigious central London location in October 2017 (dates to be confirmed) to coincide with Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The winner will be awarded a gold medal and € 1,000 cash prize.

Application Procedure:

  • Each applicant will need to submit:

  • Curriculum Vitae (2 pages max)

  • Three themed images

  • Artistic statement – a description of your work and how it relates to the theme (max 30 words).

Scholarship Link

Degree Level

Youmanity The Everyday Heroine Photography Award, 2017 is available to undertake level programs at .

Available Subjects

Following subject are available to study under this scholarship program.

  • Photography Scholarships
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